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Condition Assessment:
5 Ice Rink Facilities
Client: City of Waterloo
Date: 2019
In this project, DSR evaluated the condition of 5 municipal ice rink refrigeration systems to provide the client with information on the state of repair and lifecycle projections for the equipment. We visited each facility, discussed the system performance with operators, facility management and service personnel and gathered information on the associated equipment. Using the gathered information, DSR identified all required work and associated incidental work to bring the systems to current regulatory and performance standards. Recommendations were made for rehabilitation and lifecycle replacement/renewal. A summative final report was prepared for the client including:
1. Lifecycle projections, condition, priority, estimated cost by component and associated systems within the overall refrigeration system
2. Provision for a Class A cost estimate of the required work to be compliant with the current codes that govern refrigeration system machine rooms
3. Major areas of concern and recommendations for replacement, repairs and remediation